Ready For The World
We sat with Founders of GMG EMPIRE
Today.We must say it was a joyful time.
A pleasant experience indeed. Read on
to find out what we discovered.
One thing about, One thing's for sure. Everybody has a grind says the Founder of GMG EMPIRE. We want every one to express there grind through us and with us. We Brand Together. Now we can break that down a little more for you some other time. However I'm sure you want to here about the early days.
This is where it all gets started,” says one of the Founders of GMG EMPIRE, Leaning back in a black and red gaming chair in front of beautiful old school pro tools control 24 mixing board, inside of a 575 sq foot One bedroom House on the West Side of Orlando Florida. which they converted into a Recording Studio. " GMG EMPIRE"
On this crisp cool late October afternoon. The Founder Points up to a Plaque of a Record hanging on the wall of the First Album they put out entitled "Energy". "That was a Great artist we recorded with. Word is they gave up on the dream and the plan". There's not much common space, or room for any furniture, and the bed room has been spilt in two, one side being the recording booth and the other side the closet. There is a kitchen area with cabinets, stove top, micro wave, a mini fridge and a bathroom with standup shower. Some how it was all the space they needed to focus there energy and create some of the best music they have ever made.
Then without introduction a group of Scorpion ants appear crawling across the floor, and they laugh how every time around this time of year and near spring summer time, the ants would come crawling out of the walls, and from underneath the flooring. "We are in the woods they say". Just Be Glad its not the night crawlers. You know, every one seems to have these similar stories. We all share the same common path. We had many nights, years where Ramen filled our bellies. Who knows it may not be the best for you. However thank God for the Ramen. The Laughter fills the small room.

Right here in this room we have put together entire projects. We have printed and pressed up CDs from blank face disc. We purchased our first 7 tower cd burner from disc makers, then we eventually bout a robotic printer that prints 100 cd spindles at a time. Can you imagine having to create your own graphics, learning about bar codes and then packaging your own music inside jewels cases with a heat press machine to seal the wrap. Yes we did it all. Times where definitely different. There was not a drop shipping business in site. Mp3/4 players were not in cars. Computers and lap tops had cd players. Now you can just download everything. Cds are still around but really there on there way completely out the door. It's like the've become antique. You gotta love the world. You gotta keep up with the times.
Getting out there in the streets and Promoting your own work can be tough at times but it teaches you priceless lessons. The information we learned out there in the streets of the world could never be bought at an Ivey League School. When you have a passion for something, it calls out to you. You hear it with your inner voice. You somehow are more willing to take risks. You dont care about embarrassments. You do it even when you do not have the money. You spend your last to elevate above your past. While your doing this if your paying good enough attention to the details of the world around you. You will pick up key things from other thriving businesses. One of the things we picked up on was, people need to know who you are. They need to know your name. They need to know what you are about.
We here at GMG EMPIRE want to help you in letting people know you are about your grind. You are taking your grind global. We want it to ring out as a reminder to you, Like the bat signal to yourself, every time you put an article of clothing on your body. When you see this logo is to be an instance reminder that you have a global mission. To be about your business. Get on your grind. We are Grind Mode Global Empire. Grind with us. Leave the Naysayers in the Dust. Trust and believe in the process. We had no idea how we would even offered our first music video or do our first short film. The windows of heaven just opened up and rained bliss upon us because we where on the path and it was time to Rain. Did you catch that? That was a jewel you might want to unpack.
Now that's the gist of the conversation I had with the founders. At this time they wish to remain anonymous. The idea is to allow room for the people of the Brand to Speak for it.Have you already taken your grind global? Are you ready to take your grind global? You can start from where ever you are and anytime you get ready. Once you start just do not stop. We have a world to enjoy, Lets cross paths. It's been a pleasure. signing off your
gmg empire pen man Bruce Billions.